The Team

Luis Díaz

Born Indie. Design, code, production and random stuff. Loves Braid and cool puzzle games. Addicted to game jams. Worked on “Missing Translation” and about 30 small games.

Luis Díaz

Rubén Calles

Fine arts graduate. Experienced in animation and illustration. Used to live in the country, now lives in Madrid. Used to have Windows 98, now has “Mountain Lion”. Random things like “Ray Bradbury”, “Banjo-Kazooie” and “The Goonies” shaped his youth.

Rubén Calles

Celer Gutiérrez

Composer and sound designer. He loves everything audio-related. Grew up with “Broken Sword” and “Mega Drive”. Tried to make serious music but came back to games. Has three friends called “Wintory”, “Korb” and “Diogenes syndrome”.

Rubén Calles

Ángel Luis Sucasas

Word Wizard and Branch architect. Has published four novels and dozens of short stories. Thinks Dark Souls as the Citizen Kane of interactive art. True believer of the dictatorship of freedom.

Ángel Luis Sucasas

Miguel López-Bachiller

Initiating Unity programming routine BEEP BOOP. Everything’s better on the Nintendo Switch, all the games should be there. The witness it’s the best game ever. Prove me wrong. Game designer, sorcerer and role addict on my free time. Did you know a wyvern is NOT a dragon?

Miguel López-Bachiller

Martín Pane

Rocket League and programming have formatted my creativity. Working on a very tiny keyboard with my giant hands. I love Cave Story and all the rest of Ron Gilbert’s adventures, I mean, im Schafer’s. I laugh so much that I don’t have time to code anymore. It’s a disease HAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHAA

Martín Pane

Gustavo Santos

From Porto (Portugal). Graduate in both Archaeology and Fine Arts. Decided to do drawings and video games for a living. Has a thing for pixel and voxel art. Suffers from sudden daily bursts of 80’s/90’s nostalgia.

Gustavo Santos